On the initial run, this phase will not be executed since both MPI and MPI reference tables are empty at the beginning. During the matching process, the MPI module finds the closest matching record from the MPI table for each record in the source table.
If a match is found with a score higher than the pre-configured upper threshold value (say 0.85) then the module automatically link the source table record to the matched entry.
If the closest match found is with a score less than the pre-configured lower threshold value (say 0.45) then the module automatically decides that the source record does not have an entry in MPI and thus adds a record to MPI and MPI reference tables.
If the closest match found is with a score which lies in between the above two thresholds then the module will not decide definitively whether there is a match or not, but instead will add a record to both MPI and MPI Reference table while retaining information about the closest match as well as setting a flag indicating that this entry needs manual ambiguity resolution.
During manual ambiguity resolution phase, someone will look at the entries with the flag set, and decide either to keep them as new records to the MPI or to remove the new entry and have a reference to the closest MPI record.